Welcome to Ishalvarigal - Madh Songs Lyrics in Malayalam, your number one source for all madh songs lyrics in malayalam.
We're dedicated to giving you the very best of latest lyrics of the songs available online, with a focus on being handy, free and always reliable source for lyrics.
Ishalvarigal is one stop website for all Islamic songs lyrics in Malayalam. From old to new, you can find all the songs lyrics collection here. Having a collection of lyrics in books and carrying it for various programs is difficult. Yes, I Know. So, I have thought to have the collection in one place and be available for all.
This website will be updated twice in a week with new song lyrics and any mistakes in typo, please do comment or get in touch with the admin (byaribeats@gmail.com).
Enjoy the lyrics, sing the song and feel happy. If you need any lyrics, do let me know and Like our page to get more updates about the lyrics.
Team Ishalvarigal
We're dedicated to giving you the very best of latest lyrics of the songs available online, with a focus on being handy, free and always reliable source for lyrics.
Ishalvarigal is one stop website for all Islamic songs lyrics in Malayalam. From old to new, you can find all the songs lyrics collection here. Having a collection of lyrics in books and carrying it for various programs is difficult. Yes, I Know. So, I have thought to have the collection in one place and be available for all.
This website will be updated twice in a week with new song lyrics and any mistakes in typo, please do comment or get in touch with the admin (byaribeats@gmail.com).
Enjoy the lyrics, sing the song and feel happy. If you need any lyrics, do let me know and Like our page to get more updates about the lyrics.
Team Ishalvarigal
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